Turnover: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


Turnover: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Get the Whitepaper

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Is employee turnover always bad? Explore the myths and realities of how employee turnover affects your organization and how to calculate turnover cost. Employers can’t control turnover, at least not 100 percent. However, employers can create a workplace culture that encourages retention of the best employees and, at the same time, lets disengaged employees move on (“good” turnover).

Learn to mindfully create a workplace culture that supports high performers financially, intellectually, and psychologically while at the same time providing a means to efficiently and fairly weed out poor performers who compromise company goals.

Download this PayScale whitepaper to learn:

  • Why turnover is important to measure
  • How to calculate monthly turnover
  • Why low turnover isn’t always good
  • The importance of culture
  • What employees really want