Sometimes, turnover is a downright scary word. We hear it and automatically get visions of unhappy employees exiting in droves, leaving us high and dry and always on the search for new employees. Some of us even see our jobs start to flash before our eyes as disapproving executives ask us to answer the question of why the company is experiencing turnover. While most HR professionals know that turnover isn’t the worst thing an organization can experience, there aren’t many who would argue its selling points either. However, it’s a natural part of any workforce and in some cases is actually a positive thing. Take a look below to see why turnover doesn’t have to send you running for cover.
There is such a thing as good turnover
As I’ve talked about before, there is such a thing as good turnover. To understand what I mean by this, just think about that co-worker or employee who brings down everyone else around them. Losing that person is a good thing. Or how about the one whose work constantly has to be redone and can easily be replaced by someone who can carry their workload? When the employee is negatively impacting the company, turnover is a good thing.
Proof that you’re doing something right
Since there is such a thing as good turnover, having some turnover means that you are doing your job. Whether these employees are “coached out” of the position or terminated, you are doing a necessary, though not always fun, part of your job. In order to keep the employees who do propel your company forward, you’ve got to ensure that morale isn’t lowered by those who are consistently underperforming or spreading negativity like a bad cold.
Keep things fresh
While I certainly don’t believe that a long-time employee can’t offer fresh ideas and unique perspectives, bringing in someone from the outside can often yield great results and innovative ideas. Hiring new employees also allows you a first-hand look at what skills and competencies others in the industry have and to measure your employees’ skill levels against them, not for disciplinary purposes but so you can make enhancements to your learning and development program.
Your competition wants what you have
Losing A-team employees can sting, but there is a silver lining to knowing your competition is ready to pounce on your workforce. In short, they want what you have, which means you likely have talented, ambitious and experienced employees. While it should be a source of pride for your competition to be chomping at the bit to get a look at your talent, make sure you safeguard what you have to prevent from losing too many super stars.
Oh the possibilities
Whether turnover is good or bad, and whether it leaves you high and dry or not, take a moment to consider the possibilities that an open position brings. This is definitely the glass half full approach, but you have the opportunity to go from having an average employee in the role to having a shining star. A new hire today could mean major success for your company later. Take advantage of the situation you’re in and make sure that the next person in that position will be a positive addition for your company.
What are some of your turnover concerns that have you sweating bullets when you hear the word? Let us know in the comments section below.
Related: Learn all about Turnover in this informative PayScale whitepaper: Turnover, the Good the Bad and the Ugly