The Most Recommended Jobs
We rely on recommendations to find everything from restaurants to doctors to books, so why not ask people if they would recommend their job when you are doing career research? This list reveals the 10 most recommended jobs according to people who took the PayScale Salary Survey.
Managing the HR department for any company is tough work, but if nine out of 10 Vice Presidents of Human Resources would recommend their jobs to others, it must be rewarding as well. VPs of HR shape the hiring and development of employees, which is key to the success of any company. A median salary of $140,900 doesn’t hurt either.
Nurse practitioners have pretty sweet gigs – they get to practice hands-on medicine and prescribe medication and provide care similar to doctors, but generally have less stress and don’t have to spend nearly as much time in school. Another sign that a nurse practitioner is a good job is that 90 percent of them recommend their job title to others, making them tie for first place for most recommended jobs.
US 7th Fleet / Flickr
Most people don’t look forward to trips to the dentist, but Expanded Function Dental Assistants feel positive about their daily office visits. Ninety percent of EFDAs, the vast majority of whom are female, recommend their job to others, despite a relatively low median salary of $38,700.
If you are looking for career guidance, you may want to consider some enlightened advice from your local spiritual leader, since 88 percent of Senior Pastors recommend their job to others. Senior Pastors tie for fourth place on our list of most recommended jobs, but you’ll also see them pop up on our list of Best Jobs for Do-Gooders due to the high sense of job meaning that Senior Pastors report as well.
Civil Engineers straddle the line between detailed, left-brained rigor and hands-on fieldwork. Their work involves designing, operating, maintaining and improving large construction projects ranging from bridges to water treatment facilities to airports and tunnels. Civil Engineers in Training are employed college graduates who have not yet passed their Professional Engineering (PE) Exam. They seem to enjoy their work though – 88 percent of Civil Engineers in Training recommend their job to others.
OakleyOriginals / Flickr
Why do 87 percent of firemen recommend their job? Maybe it’s the thrill they get from saving lives, or the long stretches of time off they get after completing 24- or 48-hour shifts. Whatever the reason, they tie for sixth place in our list of most recommended jobs.
Education and Training Consultants work with community colleges and technical institutions to ensure that graduates are prepared for the work force. Connecting students with jobs is the kind of work that changes lives – no wonder 87 percent of these workers (71 percent of whom are female) recommend their jobs.
Lucas Hayas / Flickr
Auditing Managers have to have a keen eye for detail to be successful at their work, but they seem to like it – 86 percent recommend their jobs to others. Auditing Managers ensure that companies meet legal and accounting regulations to keep business running smoothly, and they earn a median salary of nearly $90,000 for doing so.
Eighty-six percent of Operations and Administration Directors recommend their jobs to others. Since their work keeps the infrastructure of any business running, it’s pretty important that people in these roles like their jobs. Directors of Operation and Administration earn a median salary of $80,700, but this number can vary widely depending on the size of the company they work for.
Physical therapy jobs get high marks for almost every “Best Job” category we can think of. Working with patients to help them recover from injuries and become healthier and more mobile is rewarding both monetarily and mentally. Eighty-six percent of Physical Therapy Assistants say they would recommend their job to others, tying them for eighth place on our list.