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Best Jobs for College Students

Studying should be your full-time job while you’re in college, but many college students can benefit from some extra cash. PayScale searched our job database to find the best jobs for college students. The jobs on this list are all part time, don’t require a college degree and will help cover your expenses, whether you need help paying for books or pitching in for a keg.

Massage Therapist

1. Massage Therapist

Massage Therapists usually need to complete a certificate course in order to work, but once they do, they earn a median hourly wage of $22.00 per hour. If you’re a starving college student, that’s a great side income, so you might want to consider investing in a little extra classroom time. Thanks to the combination of high pay and flexible hours, Massage Therapist is the top job for college students on our list. Best potential perk: Free massages from colleagues who need to practice their technique.

Dental Receptionist

2. Dental Receptionist

Even if you dread trips to the dentist as a patient, you might want to consider finding a job as a Dental Receptionist if you are on the hunt for a part-time job while you go to school. Dental Receptionists typically earn $14.10 per hour and work part time, making it an ideal job if you’re pursuing your degree. Best potential perk: You can probably stock up on free toothbrushes. (Hey, every penny counts when you’re in college!)


3. Nanny

Nannying is a great side job for college students. Not only do nannies earn a median hourly salary of $12.80, but they get to set their own schedule. Best potential perk: Carving out some extra study time while the kids are napping.


4. Bookkeeper

Bookkeeper comes in number four on our list of good jobs for college students with a median hourly salary of $12.70 per hour. Students with a mind for math can earn money while helping businesses keep their finances in order. Best potential perk: Brushing up on your math skills and getting paid for it.


5. (tie) Orderly

Considering a career in medicine? Working as an orderly while you are still in college will give you insight into the medical field in a way that biology class never will. Orderlies can often work evenings and nights, making the schedule perfect for somebody whose days are filled with classes. Best potential perk: Wearing scrubs means you don’t have to worry about choosing an outfit.

Bank Teller

5. (tie) Bank Teller

College kids are notorious for not knowing how to manage their finances, but working as a Bank Teller ranks high on our list of good jobs for students. Bank tellers typically earn $10.80 per hour. Best potential perk: You might just figure out what your parents are talking about when they talk about balancing their checkbooks.

Tax Preparer

Alan Cleaver / Flickr

7. (tie) Tax Preparer

Tax Preparer is number seven on our list of the top 10 jobs for college students, but if you have any desire to go into business after you graduate, it might be your top choice. Tax Preparers help accountants keep their clients’ finances in check, so the job requires organizational skills and will probably make you a whiz with spreadsheets. Best potential perk: A crash course in what it takes to stay on the good side of the IRS.


7. (tie) Tutor

If you’ve made it into college, you’re probably a smart cookie, so why not make some money off your knowledge? Tutors set their own schedule and get to focus on the subjects that they know most about, and they earn a median hourly rate of $10.70. Best potential perk: You’ll gain a little empathy for your professors and TAs.

Office Clerk

7. (tie) General Office Clerk

Working as an office clerk may not be the most exciting job in the world, but it is a great option for college students looking to earn some extra money. As an office clerk, you’ll get insight into what office life is really like and earn a typical median hourly rate of $10.70. Best potential perk: You get to hone your cubicle-decorating skills early on.

Restaurant Hostess

7. (tie) Restaurant Host/Hostess

Restaurant hosts and hostesses channel their youthful energy into greeting restaurant patrons and keeping the dining room running. They earn a median hourly wage of $10.70 per hour and are usually busiest nights and weekends, so this job won’t often interfere with your class schedule. Best potential perk: The free food you can score from the kitchen probably tastes way better than whatever is going on in your school cafeteria.

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