Let's Talk Fair Pay
Talking about pay is STILL taboo
Employees are not confident in how to approach their employer, and many employers are not prepared to have pay conversations, so they are often discouraged. But pay conversations are a vital driving force in creating fair pay for everyone, which means committing to talk about fair pay is more important than ever. When organizations engage in fair pay conversations and adopt fair pay practices, it improves employer brand reputation, employee retention and attrition rates, reduces time and costs related to recruitment, and aligns business practices with pay transparency legislation.
We’ve created this Fair Pay Handbook to give you the steps and tools to help you establish clear pay strategies and structures, guide you on how to have effective pay conversations, and provide you with powerful data to support pay transparency and fair pay initiatives so that you can work toward achieving fair pay within your organization. Your Fair Pay Handbook includes:
- An Overview of the Journey to Fair Pay
- A Step-By-Step Guide to Effective Pay Communications
- Fair Pay Statistics You Should Know
Make the commitment to talk about fair pay today.

By talking about pay more openly, we increase transparency, reduce bias, and help to close pay gaps.
Commit to take steps toward more open pay communications
Explore additional Fair Pay resources

2022 State of the Gender Pay Gap Report
Payscale’s 2022 gender pay gap report reveals how much women are paid compared to men with analysis by race, job level, age, education, industry, and occupation, as well as unemployment during COVID-19, with insights on how employers can help close pay gaps.

What Employers Need to Know About the Evolving Trend of Pay Transparency Legislation
Pay transparency legislation is on the rise, with New York City requiring employers to post a salary range on any job posting beginning in May 2022, and at least eight other states with similar laws already on the books. Learn how to prepare your organization for these changes.

2022 Compensation Best Practices Report
Payscale’s annual flagship report distills data and insights from the largest known survey on compensation management best practices to help employers refocus compensation’s role in the Great Reevaluation.