holding coins between thumb and forefinger

By talking about pay more openly, we increase transparency, reduce bias, and help to close pay gaps.

Commit to take steps toward more open pay communications

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Step 1: The Journey to Fair Pay

Establish clear pay strategies and structures in order to have open pay discussions, and discover what stage your organization is at on the journey to fair pay.

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Step 2: Your Guide to Effective Pay Communications

Understand why pay communications are important and learn how to develop an effective pay communications plan so you can get those conversations started.

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Step 3: Fair Pay Statistics You Should Know

Equip yourself with data to support pay transparency and fair pay initiatives so that you can take action and work toward achieving fair pay within your organization.

Are you being paid fairly for your position?

Payscale's salary database is crowdsourced from millions of individuals to arm you with data on how others with similar roles, experience, skills, and location are being compensated.

Take our free salary survey

Explore additional Fair Pay resources

2022 State of the Gender Pay Gap Report

Payscale’s 2022 gender pay gap report reveals how much women are paid compared to men with analysis by race, job level, age, education, industry, and occupation, as well as unemployment during COVID-19, with insights on how employers can help close pay gaps.

What Employers Need to Know About the Evolving Trend of Pay Transparency Legislation

Pay transparency legislation is on the rise, with New York City requiring employers to post a salary range on any job posting beginning in May 2022, and at least eight other states with similar laws already on the books. Learn how to prepare your organization for these changes.

2022 Compensation Best Practices Report

Payscale’s annual flagship report distills data and insights from the largest known survey on compensation management best practices to help employers refocus compensation’s role in the Great Reevaluation.