Manufacturing & Production Jobs: Begins with 'F'
Fabric and Apparel PatternmakerFabricating Machine OperatorFabricatorFabricator AssemblerFactory ManagerFactory WorkerFiberglass Laminator / FabricatorFinal AssemblerFinal InspectorFirst-Line Supervisor / Manager of Production and Operating WorkersFluid Power MechanicFolding Machine OperatorFood Cooking Machine Operator / TenderFood, Tobacco Roasting, Baking, or Drying Machine Operator / TenderForeman AssistantForging Machine OperatorForging Machine Setter / Operator / Tender, Metal and PlasticFoundry Mold, CoremakerFoundry MolderFoundry WorkerFramer - Art, Mirrors, PicturesFramer - ConstructionFreezer OperatorFresh Produce ProcessorFurnace, Kiln, Oven, Drier, Kettle Operator / TenderFurnace OperatorFurniture BuilderFurniture FinisherFurniture InstallerFurniture MakerFurniture RestorerFurniture Upholsterer