Manufacturing & Production Jobs in Australia: Begins with 'C'
Cabinet AssemblerCabinet BuilderCabinet MakerCabinet Maker, KitchenCabinetmaker ForemanCake DecoratorCalibration SpecialistCheesemakerChemical OperatorChemical Plant ManagerChemical Plant OperatorChemical Process OperatorChief Quality OfficerChipperChocolatierCleaning, Washing, and Metal Pickling Equipment Operator / TenderCoating, Painting, and Spraying Machine Setter, Operator / TenderCoatings InspectorCoffee RoasterColor Printer OperatorCombo WelderCommercial Laundry WorkerComposite TechnicianComputer Numerically Controlled (CNC) MachinistComputer Numerically Controlled (CNC) OperatorComputer Numerically Controlled (CNC) Operator and ProgrammerComputer Numerically Controlled (CNC) ProgrammerConstruction Materials TesterControl Room OperatorControl Room Operator, Power PlantCrew ChiefCrusher OperatorCutter OperatorCutter / Trimmer, HandCutting, Punching, Press Machine Setter / Operator / Tender, Metal and PlasticCutting and Slicing Machine Setter / Operator / Tender