The Employee Reported, compensation data API

Empower developers to create custom applications powered by the world’s freshest salary data.

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built for developers,
by developers

Employee Reported

Our Employee Reported data, the world’s largest salary database, provides a snapshot on real-time compensation data, and also captures skills and location data.


The ability to access Payscale’s industry leading salary database within seconds makes the API an essential tool for uncovering actionable insights.


To instill confidence (and ensure compliance), Payscale has added statistical and validation steps to ensure the data is a true reflection of the market.

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Payscale API features

  • Real-time updates
  • Specific to city/state/country
  • Fine-tuned by title, experience, education & skills
  • Tap into pay, YOE & skill impact reports
  • Free trial to ensure fit
  • Partnership models for numerous use cases
  • Volume-based pricing
  • Powered by Payscale

API reports available from Payscale

Payscale pay report

Compensation overview containing multiple sub reports, each with detailed stats, including 10/25/50/75/90 percentiles and average/standard deviations.

Years of experience report

Comprehensive report including 10/25/50/75/90 base pay percentiles across a range of years of experience, for determining how pay changes over a career.

Payscale skills impact report

A list of skills associated with a job title, and how those skills change pay for that job title, along with descriptive statistics around the relative popularity of the skill.

The data API you have to try

Payscale offers access to fresh salary data, including the world’s largest salary database with 55 million profiles, to help companies improve the accuracy and effectiveness of their service. Demo the data API to discover how easy it is to leverage the power of Payscale.