Orlando Metro Area Pay Trends
The 73rd-largest city in the United States, Orlando is known as “The Theme Park Capital of the World” and in 2014 its tourist attractions and events drew more than 62 million visitors. As one of the world’s most visited tourist destinations, Orlando’s famous attractions form the backbone of its tourism industry: Walt Disney World and the Universal Orlando Resort are both located within about 20 miles of the city. Orlando is also one of the busiest American cities for conferences and conventions; the Orange County Convention Center is the second-largest convention facility in the United States.
The Payscale Index: Orlando Metro Area
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The Payscale Index tracks quarterly changes in total cash compensation for full-time, private industry employees and education professionals in the United States. In addition to a national index, it includes separate indices for specific industries, metropolitan areas, job categories, and company sizes. The Payscale Index uses 2006 average total cash compensation as a baseline.