gen y infographic gen y best employers gen y best cities gen y education gen y job stats your salary report
Gen Y-ers are much more likely to sell you a cell phone or fix your PC. But to earn the big bucks,
they need to pursue math and science careers, much like everyone else.
Common Jobs for Gen Y
Job Gen Y Relative
Ratio (?)Shows how much more common each job is for Gen Y versus all workers.
Median Pay
for Gen Y
Merchandise Displayer 5.36x $23,400
Sales Representative, Clothing 4.63x $28,400
Sales Representative, Cellular Telephones 4.03x $27,800
Assistant Merchandise Manager 3.90x $35,400
Health Policy Research Assistant 3.60x $37,500
Projectionist 3.58x $17,000
Associate Media Planner 3.50x $32,900
PC Maintenance Technician 3.46x $33,600
Product Support Specialist, Internet Services 3.42x $37,200
Civil Engineering Intern 3.38x $39,500
Public Relations Assistant 3.35x $30,200
Assistant Actuarial Analyst 3.33x $54,000
Private Equity Research Analyst 3.23x $56,800
Graduate Assistant 3.22x $20,500
Design Intern 3.20x $26,500
Shift Manager, Hotel Front Desk 3.18x $25,300
Research Intern 3.15x $27,300
Assistant Fashion Designer 3.13x $35,300
Consultant, Environmental Engineering 3.11x $48,900
Assistant Director, Creative Services 3.09x $36,000
Common Job Skills for Gen Y
Rank Skill Gen Y Relative Ratio (?)Shows how much more common each skill is for Gen Y versus all workers.
1 - Tie Tableau Software 2.7
1 - Tie Blogging 2.7
3 - Tie Social Media Optimization 2.5
3 - Tie Press Releases 2.5
5 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Analysis 2.4
6 - Tie XHTML 2.3
6 - Tie Social Media Marketing 2.3
6 - Tie Email Marketing 2.3
9 - Tie Mathcad 2.2
9 - Tie WordPress 2.2
Best Paid Jobs for Gen Y
Rank Job Median Pay
for Gen Y
1 Petroleum Engineer $98,100
2 Senior Software Engineer $80,600
3 Account Director $76,200
4 Program Manager, IT $75,100
5 Sales Director $74,600
6 Technical Architect $73,000
7 Quantitative Analyst $72,800
8 Hardware Design Engineer $72,700
9 Mining Engineer $71,900
10 Product Manager, Software $71,800
Worst Paid Jobs for Gen Y
Rank Job Median Pay
for Gen Y
1 Cashier $17,700
2 Barista $19,000
3 - Tie Hotel, Motel, or Resort Desk Clerk $19,200
3 - Tie Dietary Aide $19,200
5 Retail Sales Associate $19,300
6 Maid or Housekeeping Cleaner $19,500
7 - Tie Lifeguard $19,900
7 - Tie Personal Care Attendant (PCA) $19,900
9 Produce Clerk (Grocery) $20,100
10 Restaurant Host/Hostess $20,300
Where Gen Y Employees Work
Rank Company Size % of Gen Y
1 Small Companies (<100 employees) 47%
2 Medium Companies (100 to <1,500 employees) 30%
3 Large Companies (1,500+ employees) 23%

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