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Millennials love working for tech companies as much as they love their smartphones. And, they don’t
do 9-to-5. PayScale features 20 employers who can woo this generation.
Rank Employer Median Pay
for Gen Y
% Gen Y Employees % with High Job Satisfaction % with Low Stress Levels % That Feel Job Is Meaningful % with a Flexible Schedule Green Score (?)Accounts for the environmental footprint; management policies, programs and initiatives; and reporting practices of companies. Source: Newsweek Gen Y Company Score (?)Calculation based upon each company's results for Gen Y pay, percent Gen Y employees, job satisfaction, job stress, job meaning, schedule flexibility and green score.
1 Qualcomm, Inc. $90,600 35% 87% 11% 72% 95% 62.6 11.76
2 Google, Inc. $80,900 41% 82% 15% 58% 75% 63.8 11.37
3 Medtronic, Inc. $63,500 27% 74% 19% 87% 83% 64.2 11.32
4 Intel Corp. $81,200 32% 79% 11% 72% 89% 71.4 9.94
5 Microsoft Corp. $92,800 25% 71% 14% 64% 91% 67.6 7.71
6 Abbott Laboratories $61,300 23% 85% 21% 82% 76% 54.2 7.67
7 Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC) $55,800 30% 71% 17% 65% 84% 65.6 7.49
8 Lockheed Martin Corp. $62,000 33% 65% 16% 67% 80% 60.8 7.14
9 Rockwell Collins, Inc. $62,500 35% 77% 12% 67% 83% 62.2 7.00
10 Cameron International $65,300 45% 95% 14% 59% 77% 39.8 6.84
11 EMC Corp. $68,100 28% 79% 16% 43% 86% 71.6 6.57
12 Booz, Allen, and Hamilton $66,300 41% 73% 12% 58% 79% *55.7 6.40
13 The Boeing Company $65,000 29% 72% 13% 68% 79% 66.9 6.34
14 - Tie Cisco Systems, Inc. $84,200 25% 69% 12% 59% 89% 68.4 6.16
14 - Tie Texas Instruments, Inc. $75,100 26% 78% 11% 67% 89% 61.8 6.16
16 General Dynamics Information Technology, Inc. $61,000 28% 73% 20% 66% 75% 50.1 6.00
17 Cummins, Inc. $65,100 41% 72% 11% 65% 73% 55.3 5.93
18 Northrop Grumman Corp. $64,700 29% 65% 13% 60% 85% 64.7 5.34
19 Freddie Mac $67,300 38% 65% 25% 40% 70% *55.7 4.95
20 Baker Hughes, Inc. $67,500 34% 70% 21% 41% 68% 56.2 4.90
* For the companies that weren't included in the Newsweek green score ranking, the average green score among all companies ranked was used. Scores were out of 100, with the highest being IBM at 82.5 and the lowest being Monsanto at 22.8. The average score was 55.7.
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