Muse Ad Agency Uses Draw Something App to Recruit Interns

We recently wrote about how the Work Club digital agency advertised for its creative director position using a Pinterest board, and now another agency, Muse Amsterdam, is using the Draw Something app to recruit its latest round of interns.

The iOS game prompts users to draw various shapes and figures and then invite friends to guess their creations. Muse has kicked things up a notch by asking prospective intern candidates to start a Draw Something game with the agency's username, Drawsome Intern and then create drawings according to the cues. It will then "review the most beautiful, stupid and genius drawings" to narrow down its list of names.

Like the Steven Spielberg-themed Pinterest board that Work Club used, this application process subtly appeals to candidates whose interests and talents will mesh well with company culture. In a promotional video for the Drawsome Intern initiative, which appears below, Muse outlines its philosophy that clear messages are vital to successful advertising. Asking a candidate to draw a unicorn, Elvis or sunshine — all actual prompts from the Draw Something app — cleverly reveals how well he or she can embody that message of clarity and simplicity through creative expression.

Here's the promotional clip Muse made to explain the intern-recruiting initiative:

Do you think Muse will find its dream interns using Draw Something? How will this app-based recruitment strategy influence hiring in the future?

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