Popular Retail & Customer Service Industries in New Zealand
RetailGrocery Store or SupermarketRetail Pharmacy or DrugstoreHair and Beauty SalonAutomobile DealerClothing Storee-Commerce, Business to Consumer (B2C)Furniture and Home Furnishings StoreMotor Vehicle and Parts DealerCosmetics, Beauty Supplies or Perfume StoreNew Car DealerSpecial Event Planning ServicesTools and Hardware StoreWomen's Clothing StoreFruit and Vegetable MarketPlant NurseryOnline StoreSkin Care ServicesBeauty SalonFuneral Home or Funeral ServicesUsed Car DealerPet and Pet Supplies StoreFarm Supply StoreFlooring StoreHome Improvement and Construction Product StoreOutdoor Gear and Equipment StoreBaby Product StoreDepartment StoreBarber ShopHealth Food or Supplement StoreFashion StylingAthletic or Sport Clothing StoreAutomotive Parts StoreFloristPetroleum Retail ServicesShoe StoreDay SpaCommercial Laundry ServicesJewelry StoreBook StoreParking ServicesDog DaycareGas Station with a Convenience StorePetrol StationAlcohol, Beer, and Wine StoreBuilding Materials StoreConsumer Electronics StoreOffice Equipment and Supplies StoreGeneral Merchandise StoreLawn and Garden StoreLingerie StoreMotorcycle DealerCarpet StoreFine Jewelry StoreChildren's and Infants' Clothing StoreMeat MarketUniform Supply ServicesBicycle ShopMusical Instrument StoreDiscount Retail StoreFish and Seafood MarketNail SalonPersonal TrainingSalon and SpaAutomotive Aftermarket Accessories StoreBridal StoreDuty-free StoreFuel DealerOptical Goods StoreRecreational Vehicle (RV) DealerWatch and Jewelry StoreArt or Picture Framing ServicesGift, Novelty or Souvenir StoreGourmet SupermarketHandbag StoreWedding PlanningConvenience StoreDoor-to-Door SalesEyeglasses StoreGift ShopLinen Supply ServicesMen's Clothing StorePet GroomingHome Appliance StoreTile and Marble DealerFabric or Textile StoreKennels or Pet BoardingKitchenware StoreFuneral HomeNewsstandOutdoor Power Equipment StorePlumbing and Heating Products StoreSporting Goods StoreStationary StoreAnimal ShelterBaked Goods StoreDirect Service SellingDry cleaning or Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated)Sewing, Needlework, or Piece Goods StoreValet Parking