Popular Retail & Customer Service Industries in Canada
RetailGrocery Store or SupermarketRetail Pharmacy or DrugstoreAutomobile Dealere-Commerce, Business to Consumer (B2C)Clothing StoreFurniture and Home Furnishings StoreCosmetics, Beauty Supplies or Perfume StoreNew Car DealerHome Improvement and Construction Product StoreSpecial Event Planning ServicesTools and Hardware StoreMotor Vehicle and Parts DealerOnline StoreWomen's Clothing StorePet and Pet Supplies StoreHair and Beauty SalonAutomotive Parts StoreFuneral Home or Funeral ServicesAthletic or Sport Clothing StoreDay SpaOptical Goods StoreSkin Care ServicesRecreational Vehicle (RV) DealerEyeglasses StoreFlooring StoreHealth Food or Supplement StoreGas Station with a Convenience StoreUsed Car DealerShoe StoreBicycle ShopThrift StoreLumber YardOffice Equipment and Supplies StoreFine Jewelry StoreDiscount Retail StoreFloristPlant NurserySalon and SpaOutdoor Gear and Equipment StoreJewelry StoreParking ServicesInternet AuctionsGeneral Merchandise StoreSporting Goods StoreBook StoreFruit and Vegetable MarketAlcohol, Beer, and Wine StoreMarijuana DispensaryMedical Marijuana DistributionBuilding Materials StoreDollar StoreConvenience StoreDepartment StorePersonal TrainingFashion StylingWarehouse Clubs and SupercentersMedical Equipment and Supplies StoreArts and Crafts StoreMusical Instrument StoreAutomotive Aftermarket Accessories StorePetroleum Retail ServicesDirect Service SellingPet GroomingTire and Rubber Product StoreBridal StoreToy and Game StoreLawn and Garden StoreLingerie StoreMeat MarketBaby Product StoreUniform Supply ServicesArt Supply StorePet Care (except Veterinary) ServicesConsumer Electronics StoreFuel DealerOrthotics Retail ServicesAnimal ShelterWatch and Jewelry StoreArt or Picture Framing ServicesFabric or Textile StoreFarm Supply StoreLumber StoreMen's Clothing StoreBeauty SalonCellular Telephone StoreGrocery Store with a Gas StationWeight Loss CenterCommercial Laundry ServicesDog DaycareGift, Novelty or Souvenir StoreBoat DealerHome Appliance StoreBeauty Supplies StoreCemeteryChildren's and Infants' Clothing StoreMotorcycle DealerTile and Marble DealerDog TrainingFish and Seafood Market