Engineering Degrees in Canada: Begins with 'B'
Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Aerospace EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Biochemical EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Biomedical Engineering (BME)Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Chemical EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Civil Engineering (CE)Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Civil & Environmental EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Computer Engineering (CE)Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Electrical Engineering (EE)Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE)Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Electronics EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Engineering ChemistryBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Engineering PhysicsBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Engineering ScienceBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Environmental EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Geological EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Industrial Engineering (IE)Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Industrial & Systems EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Materials EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Materials Science & EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Mechanical Engineering (ME)Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), MechatronicsBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Mechatronics EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Mining EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Petroleum EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Software EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Structural Engineering (SE)Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Systems EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science (BAS / BApS), Water Resources EngineeringBachelor of Architecture (BArch), Architectural EngineeringBachelor of Architecture (BArch), Building ScienceBachelor of Arts (BA), GeomaticsBachelor of Arts (BA), Software EngineeringBachelor of Arts and Science (BASc), Biomedical Engineering (BME)Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc), Chemical EngineeringBachelor of Arts and Science (BASc), Civil Engineering (CE)Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc), Computer Engineering (CE)Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc), Electrical Engineering (EE)Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc), EngineeringBachelor of Arts and Science (BASc), Mechanical Engineering (ME)Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc), Software EngineeringBachelor of Arts and Science (BASc), Structural Engineering (SE)Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Industrial Engineering (IE)Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL), Civil Engineering (CE)Bachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Aeronautical EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), AeronauticsBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Aerospace EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Architectural EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Automation EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Biochemical EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Bioengineering (BioE)Bachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Biological EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Biomedical Engineering (BME)Bachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Biosystems EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Building ScienceBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Building Services EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Chemical EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Chemical & Biomolecular EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Civil Engineering (CE)Bachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Civil & Environmental EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Computer Engineering (CE)Bachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Computer Science (CS) & EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Computer Systems EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Construction EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Control EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Electrical Engineering (EE)Bachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Electrical Power EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE)Bachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE)Bachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Electronics EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Electronics & Communications EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Electronics & Instrumentation EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Electronics & Telecommunication EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Embedded SystemsBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Energy EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Engineering ChemistryBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Engineering PhysicsBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Environmental EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Fluid DynamicsBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Food EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Geological EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), GeomaticsBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Geomatics Engineering (GE)Bachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Geotechnical EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Industrial Engineering (IE)Bachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Industrial & Systems EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Instrumentation & Control EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Manufacturing EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Materials EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Materials Science & EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Mechanical Engineering (ME)Bachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Mechanical & Aeronautical EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), MechatronicsBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Mechatronics EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Metallurgical EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), MetallurgyBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Mining EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Naval ArchitectureBachelor of Engineering (BEng / BE), Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering