Popular Retail & Customer Service Industries in Australia
RetailRetail Pharmacy or DrugstoreGrocery Store or SupermarketClothing StoreHair and Beauty SalonAutomobile DealerFurniture and Home Furnishings StoreCosmetics, Beauty Supplies or Perfume StoreNew Car DealerMotor Vehicle and Parts Dealere-Commerce, Business to Consumer (B2C)Special Event Planning ServicesWomen's Clothing StoreOnline StoreBeauty SalonTools and Hardware StorePet and Pet Supplies StorePlant NurseryFruit and Vegetable MarketFine Jewelry StoreFloristOptical Goods StoreSkin Care ServicesBarber ShopFuneral Home or Funeral ServicesUsed Car DealerJewelry StorePet GroomingPetrol StationAlcohol, Beer, and Wine StoreShoe StoreAutomotive Parts StoreFashion StylingGas Station with a Convenience StoreAthletic or Sport Clothing StoreFlooring StorePetroleum Retail ServicesDay SpaHome Improvement and Construction Product StoreFuel DealerArt or Picture Framing ServicesCommercial Laundry ServicesBicycle ShopKennels or Pet BoardingPersonal TrainingNail SalonAutomotive Aftermarket Accessories StoreDepartment StoreHealth Food or Supplement StoreWatch and Jewelry StoreMotorcycle DealerBridal StoreDog DaycareMen's Clothing StoreBook StorePetrol Station and RestaurantUniform Supply ServicesWedding PlanningBaby Product StoreInternet AuctionsMassage ParlorTile and Marble DealerCarpet StoreGift, Novelty or Souvenir StoreSalon and SpaGeneral Merchandise StoreLinen Supply ServicesArts and Crafts StoreDiscount Retail StoreTobacco StoreArt Supply StoreOutdoor Gear and Equipment StoreSporting Goods StoreTattoo ShopFarm Supply StoreMusical Instrument StoreSunglasses StoreWarehouse Clubs and SupercentersFish and Seafood MarketDog TrainingEyeglasses StoreAnimal ShelterPet Care (except Veterinary) ServicesFloor Covering DealerKitchenware StoreGift ShopOffice Equipment and Supplies StoreHandbag StoreRecreational Vehicle (RV) DealerDry cleaning or Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated)Convenience StoreDry CleaningSwimming Pool Supply StoreToy and Game StoreBuilding Materials StoreCemeteryEmbroidery StoreOutdoor Power Equipment StorePersonal ShoppingStationary Store