College Salary Report

Updated 2024

College Salary Report

Best Colleges in Rhode Island by Salary Potential

Before you invest in a bachelor’s degree, find out which schools pay off. These are the Rhode Island colleges with the highest-paid graduates.

Bachelor's Only
All Alumni
RankSchool NameSchool TypeEarly Career Pay
Mid-Career Pay
% High Meaning
% STEM Degrees
Rank:1School Name:Brown UniversitySchool Type:Ivy League, Private School, Research University, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$88,000Mid-Career Pay:$160,300% High Meaning:42%% STEM Degrees:43%
Rank:2School Name:Providence CollegeSchool Type:Private School, Religious, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$74,100Mid-Career Pay:$141,900% High Meaning:50%% STEM Degrees:12%
Rank:3School Name:Bryant UniversitySchool Type:Business, Private School, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$76,800Mid-Career Pay:$133,400% High Meaning:38%% STEM Degrees:4%
Rank:4School Name:Rhode Island School of DesignSchool Type:Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$74,700Mid-Career Pay:$126,800% High Meaning:41%% STEM Degrees:9%
Rank:5School Name:University of Rhode IslandSchool Type:Party School, Research University, For Sports Fans, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$69,400Mid-Career Pay:$123,500% High Meaning:53%% STEM Degrees:20%
Rank:6School Name:Salve Regina UniversitySchool Type:Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$69,000Mid-Career Pay:$120,700% High Meaning:39%% STEM Degrees:5%
Rank:7School Name:New England Institute of TechnologySchool Type:Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$68,300Mid-Career Pay:$116,600% High Meaning:47%% STEM Degrees:14%
Rank:8School Name:Roger Williams UniversitySchool Type:Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$68,700Mid-Career Pay:$115,400% High Meaning:44%% STEM Degrees:16%
Rank:9School Name:Rhode Island CollegeSchool Type:State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$60,800Mid-Career Pay:$98,300% High Meaning:53%% STEM Degrees:6%
Rank:10School Name:Johnson & Wales University-ProvidenceSchool Type:Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$59,700Mid-Career Pay:$96,100% High Meaning:43%% STEM Degrees:4%
Rank:11School Name:Johnson & Wales University-OnlineSchool Type:Business, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$56,500Mid-Career Pay:$91,600% High Meaning:44%% STEM Degrees:1%

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