College Salary Report

Updated 2024

College Salary Report

Best Universities and Colleges by Salary Potential

Want to earn a college degree, but not sure which school to choose? Check out this list of colleges with the highest alumni salaries.

Bachelor's Only
All Alumni
RankSchool NameSchool TypeEarly Career Pay
Mid-Career Pay
% High Meaning
% STEM Degrees
Rank:76School Name:Virginia Military InstituteSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, For Sports Fans, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$83,900Mid-Career Pay:$155,500% High Meaning:63%% STEM Degrees:49%
Rank:76School Name:Carleton CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$78,500Mid-Career Pay:$155,500% High Meaning:53%% STEM Degrees:48%
Rank:78School Name:Wake Forest UniversitySchool Type:Party School, Private School, Research University, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$80,900Mid-Career Pay:$155,400% High Meaning:46%% STEM Degrees:16%
Rank:79School Name:Saint Mary's College of CaliforniaSchool Type:Private School, Religious, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$77,200Mid-Career Pay:$155,200% High Meaning:58%% STEM Degrees:7%
Rank:79School Name:Brandeis UniversitySchool Type:Private School, Research UniversityEarly Career Pay:$77,600Mid-Career Pay:$155,200% High Meaning:45%% STEM Degrees:36%
Rank:81School Name:Northwestern UniversitySchool Type:Private School, Research University, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$84,900Mid-Career Pay:$155,100% High Meaning:48%% STEM Degrees:20%
Rank:81School Name:University of California-DavisSchool Type:Research University, For Sports Fans, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$81,300Mid-Career Pay:$155,100% High Meaning:55%% STEM Degrees:36%
Rank:83School Name:Case Western Reserve UniversitySchool Type:Private School, Research UniversityEarly Career Pay:$86,500Mid-Career Pay:$155,000% High Meaning:52%% STEM Degrees:38%
Rank:84School Name:Davidson CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private School, Religious, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$77,300Mid-Career Pay:$154,800% High Meaning:53%% STEM Degrees:29%
Rank:85School Name:Villanova UniversitySchool Type:Private School, Religious, Research University, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$87,200Mid-Career Pay:$154,500% High Meaning:49%% STEM Degrees:23%
Rank:86School Name:Bentley UniversitySchool Type:Business, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$88,600Mid-Career Pay:$154,400% High Meaning:41%% STEM Degrees:9%
Rank:87School Name:Trinity CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$81,600Mid-Career Pay:$154,300% High Meaning:54%% STEM Degrees:22%
Rank:87School Name:Missouri University of Science and TechnologySchool Type:Engineering, Research University, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$85,200Mid-Career Pay:$154,300% High Meaning:53%% STEM Degrees:78%
Rank:89School Name:University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignSchool Type:Research University, For Sports Fans, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$82,700Mid-Career Pay:$153,900% High Meaning:47%% STEM Degrees:37%
Rank:90School Name:Boston UniversitySchool Type:Private School, Research University, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$82,100Mid-Career Pay:$153,800% High Meaning:47%% STEM Degrees:27%
Rank:91School Name:Loyola Marymount UniversitySchool Type:Private School, Religious, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$76,500Mid-Career Pay:$153,600% High Meaning:46%% STEM Degrees:11%
Rank:92School Name:University of ChicagoSchool Type:Private School, Research UniversityEarly Career Pay:$87,900Mid-Career Pay:$153,300% High Meaning:47%% STEM Degrees:30%
Rank:93School Name:Seattle UniversitySchool Type:Private School, Religious, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$80,800Mid-Career Pay:$153,100% High Meaning:63%% STEM Degrees:18%
Rank:94School Name:Maine Maritime AcademySchool Type:State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$83,100Mid-Career Pay:$153,000% High Meaning:60%% STEM Degrees:44%
Rank:95School Name:University of Michigan-Ann ArborSchool Type:Research University, For Sports Fans, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$85,300Mid-Career Pay:$152,900% High Meaning:51%% STEM Degrees:41%
Rank:96School Name:University of RochesterSchool Type:Private School, Research UniversityEarly Career Pay:$84,900Mid-Career Pay:$152,100% High Meaning:56%% STEM Degrees:29%
Rank:97School Name:College of the Holy CrossSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private School, Religious, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$79,500Mid-Career Pay:$151,800% High Meaning:49%% STEM Degrees:21%
Rank:98School Name:Brigham Young UniversitySchool Type:Private School, Religious, Research University, Sober School, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$79,400Mid-Career Pay:$151,200% High Meaning:62%% STEM Degrees:30%
Rank:99School Name:Southern Methodist UniversitySchool Type:Private School, Religious, Research University, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$81,600Mid-Career Pay:$151,000% High Meaning:50%% STEM Degrees:22%
Rank:100School Name:Boston CollegeSchool Type:Private School, Religious, Research University, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$85,100Mid-Career Pay:$150,600% High Meaning:50%% STEM Degrees:17%

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