College ROI Report

Updated 2024

College Salary Report

Best-value Colleges for Healthcare Careers

Healthcare jobs tend to be both high-paying and, according to our research, healthcare professionals often believe their jobs are meaningful; they believe they’re making the world a better place.

To start your healthcare career out right, Payscale’s College ROI Report can help you narrow down your list to the best value colleges for healthcare careers.

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RankSchool Name20 Year Net ROI
Total 4 Year Cost
Graduation Rate
Typical Years to Graduate
Average Loan Amount
Rank:31School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$632,000Total 4 Year Cost:$88,900Graduation Rate:48%Typical Years to Graduate:5Average Loan Amount:$23,000
Rank:32School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$629,000Total 4 Year Cost:$56,900Graduation Rate:38%Typical Years to Graduate:5Average Loan Amount:$17,700
Rank:33School Name:
Wagner College (Private)
20 Year Net ROI:$629,000Total 4 Year Cost:$273,000Graduation Rate:62%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$37,800
Rank:34School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$626,000Total 4 Year Cost:$104,000Graduation Rate:41%Typical Years to Graduate:5Average Loan Amount:$26,100
Rank:35School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$623,000Total 4 Year Cost:$119,000Graduation Rate:68%Typical Years to Graduate:5Average Loan Amount:$22,400
Rank:36School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$621,000Total 4 Year Cost:$113,000Graduation Rate:53%Typical Years to Graduate:5Average Loan Amount:$23,800
Rank:37School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$614,000Total 4 Year Cost:$195,000Graduation Rate:70%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$29,700
Rank:38School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$613,000Total 4 Year Cost:$187,000Graduation Rate:57%Typical Years to Graduate:5Average Loan Amount:$25,600
Rank:39School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$613,000Total 4 Year Cost:$157,000Graduation Rate:46%Typical Years to Graduate:5Average Loan Amount:$22,700
Rank:40School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$608,000Total 4 Year Cost:$137,000Graduation Rate:56%Typical Years to Graduate:5Average Loan Amount:$20,700

PayScale calculates the College ROI Report for Healthcare Careers by using the salaries of alumni from each school who go on to work in the healthcare field, regardless of their undergraduate major, to calculate their median 20-year earnings. (All salary data comes from people who have taken the Payscale Salary Survey and told us their job title, salary and other facts in order to get their own personalized salary report.) We then subtract the cost of attending the school and compare how their earnings compare to those of the typical worker who did not earn a bachelor’s degree. People who received graduate degrees were not included in these calculations, so the numbers you see here do not include doctors, dentists, and many other of the highest-earning healthcare workers, since those jobs require a graduate degree and we can’t calculate how much they spent obtaining that additional education.

But there are many healthcare jobs that don’t require advanced degrees, and as the numbers on this list show, when it comes to College ROI, healthcare workers often see big gains. Examples of healthcare job titles that are typical of people on this list include physical therapist assistants, occupational therapists, laboratory technicians, dental hygienists, sonographers, ultrasound technicians, dieticians, nutritionals, emergency room technicians, operating room technicians and a wide variety of nurses and nursing managers.

Ferris State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan comes in high on the list of best college return on investment healthcare for workers. Ferris State was originally named Big Rapids Industrial School and had the unique mission of providing students with marketable skills to change society. This mission is obviously being accomplished, in part due to the successful healthcare workers who graduate from Ferris State University.

Texas Woman’s University (TWU) was established in 1901 as an all-female school, though it has accepted men into its health sciences graduate school in 1972, and fully opened its doors to men in 1994. The school remains unique, however, in that it requires all undergraduates — regardless of their proposed/intended degree — to take three hours of multicultural women’s studies in order to graduate.

The oldest institute of higher learning on the West Coast, San Jose State (SJSU) offers a nice perk: More San Jose State University alumni are hired by Silicon Valley firms than graduates of any other college or university.

Another public school on this list dominated by public schools is the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), which was named a “Next Generation University’ by The New America Foundation.