- UPDATED WEEKLY! List of Salaries For Popular Careers
Salaries by Occupation
Graphic Designer |
$38,522 |
Software Engineer |
$63,080 |
Retail Store Manager |
$41,209 |
Project Manager, Construction |
$72,048 |
Office Manager |
$40,461 |
Attorney |
$77,531 |
Administrative Assistant |
$33,369 |
Controller |
$78,124 |
Executive Assistant |
$45,389 |
Elementary School Teacher |
$40,311 |
Registered Nurse |
$52,784 |
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In Demand Occupations for 2010:
Average Salary of Jobs in Finance
As the recession slows in the year to come, financial regulations to prevent future crises will be more important than ever. For that reason, many companies may be adding to their team of financial analysts and regulation experts in 2010.
Entry-Level Jobs with Good Pay
Competition for entry-level work is starched-shirt stiff right now. But grabbing the first minimum-wage, dead-end gig that comes along won't serve you well in the long run. After all, you don't want to live in Mom and Dad's basement forever. A better strategy is to pursue a career that allows your responsibilities -- and your income -- to grow year after year. Here are eight of our top picks for those who are just starting out, and their median annual salaries according to online salary database PayScale.com.
In Demand Occupations for 2010: Average Salary of Jobs in Healthcare
Jobs in healthcare continue to top lists of most stable, recession-proof, lucrative and flexible careers. From nursing to lab work and physical therapy, nearly everyone knows that our nation's ill and aging population is creating an ever-growing demand for health services and support. What kinds of jobs are expected to grow?