- UPDATED WEEKLY! List of Salaries For Popular Careers
List of Salaries for Careers
Graphic Designer |
$38,522 |
Software Engineer |
$63,080 |
Retail Store Manager |
$41,209 |
Project Manager, Construction |
$72,048 |
Office Manager |
$40,461 |
Attorney |
$77,531 |
Administrative Assistant |
$33,369 |
Controller |
$78,124 |
Executive Assistant |
$45,389 |
Elementary School Teacher |
$40,311 |
Registered Nurse |
$52,784 |
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Does Your Salary History Really
Matter to a Future Employer?
Your salary history tells an important story of how far you've come along a career path, so it's fitting that a prospective employer might be interested in learning more about your past earnings. Yet it's unfair to take a salary history at face value, because there are so often back-stories that need explaining.
How to Handle Salary Requirements When Applying for a Job
Job interviewing is like art: it requires skill, dexterity, and the right tools and environment. Make one wrong move and the result can be disastrous. This is especially true when it comes to discussing salary requirements. As a job-seeker, approaching a conversation with a prospective employer about salary requirements can be tricky.
How soon can you expect an employer to ask you about your salary requirements? Should you ever include salary requirements in a cover letter? How can you pick a salary that doesn't aim too high or too low?
Salary Negotiation in Tough Times: What Not to Do
The U.S. fiscal climate is going from bad to worse, with Wall Street firms crumbling and unemployment edging ever higher. All this makes for an uneven landscape for salary negotiations, which aren't easy even during a robust economy. To succeed with salary negotiations in tough times, experts say workers should definitely avoid certain tactics.