College Salary Report

Updated 2024

College Salary Report

Best Liberal Arts Colleges by Salary Potential

Dream of attending a liberal arts college, but afraid you won’t find a job after? Check out these liberal arts schools with highest-paid graduates.

Bachelor's Only
All Alumni
RankSchool NameSchool TypeEarly Career Pay
Mid-Career Pay
% High Meaning
% STEM Degrees
Rank:1School Name:United States Naval AcademySchool Type:Engineering, Liberal Arts School, Sober School, For Sports Fans, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$105,100Mid-Career Pay:$200,900% High Meaning:62%% STEM Degrees:54%
Rank:2School Name:Harvey Mudd CollegeSchool Type:Engineering, Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$115,700Mid-Career Pay:$192,100% High Meaning:58%% STEM Degrees:74%
Rank:3School Name:United States Military AcademySchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Sober School, For Sports Fans, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$101,500Mid-Career Pay:$189,900% High Meaning:65%% STEM Degrees:35%
Rank:4School Name:Claremont McKenna CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$92,600Mid-Career Pay:$183,300% High Meaning:55%% STEM Degrees:19%
Rank:5School Name:United States Air Force AcademySchool Type:Engineering, Liberal Arts School, Sober School, For Sports Fans, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$97,800Mid-Career Pay:$179,300% High Meaning:70%% STEM Degrees:54%
Rank:6School Name:Bucknell UniversitySchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Party School, Private School, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$87,100Mid-Career Pay:$178,200% High Meaning:48%% STEM Degrees:36%
Rank:7School Name:Colgate UniversitySchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Party School, Private School, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$87,800Mid-Career Pay:$174,300% High Meaning:46%% STEM Degrees:25%
Rank:8School Name:Williams CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$90,200Mid-Career Pay:$173,400% High Meaning:47%% STEM Degrees:29%
Rank:9School Name:Washington and Lee UniversitySchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$84,800Mid-Career Pay:$170,500% High Meaning:49%% STEM Degrees:19%
Rank:10School Name:Lafayette CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private School, Religious, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$88,100Mid-Career Pay:$167,200% High Meaning:47%% STEM Degrees:47%
Rank:11School Name:Pomona CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$88,700Mid-Career Pay:$165,300% High Meaning:58%% STEM Degrees:39%
Rank:12School Name:Wabash CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$82,600Mid-Career Pay:$165,000% High Meaning:54%% STEM Degrees:27%
Rank:13School Name:Bowdoin CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$82,200Mid-Career Pay:$163,400% High Meaning:53%% STEM Degrees:38%
Rank:14School Name:Amherst CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$84,800Mid-Career Pay:$163,200% High Meaning:47%% STEM Degrees:39%
Rank:15School Name:Union College (New York)School Type:Liberal Arts School, Party School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$84,600Mid-Career Pay:$163,100% High Meaning:47%% STEM Degrees:49%
Rank:16School Name:Swarthmore CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$85,800Mid-Career Pay:$162,600% High Meaning:50%% STEM Degrees:38%
Rank:17School Name:Wesleyan UniversitySchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$81,900Mid-Career Pay:$162,100% High Meaning:47%% STEM Degrees:19%
Rank:18School Name:Middlebury CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$80,700Mid-Career Pay:$159,200% High Meaning:50%% STEM Degrees:23%
Rank:19School Name:Bates CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$77,800Mid-Career Pay:$158,000% High Meaning:50%% STEM Degrees:26%
Rank:20School Name:Haverford CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$79,600Mid-Career Pay:$157,200% High Meaning:58%% STEM Degrees:41%
Rank:21School Name:Franklin and Marshall CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$77,300Mid-Career Pay:$157,000% High Meaning:43%% STEM Degrees:25%
Rank:22School Name:Virginia Military InstituteSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, For Sports Fans, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$83,900Mid-Career Pay:$155,500% High Meaning:63%% STEM Degrees:49%
Rank:22School Name:Carleton CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$78,500Mid-Career Pay:$155,500% High Meaning:53%% STEM Degrees:48%
Rank:24School Name:Davidson CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private School, Religious, For Sports FansEarly Career Pay:$77,300Mid-Career Pay:$154,800% High Meaning:53%% STEM Degrees:29%
Rank:25School Name:Trinity CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$81,600Mid-Career Pay:$154,300% High Meaning:54%% STEM Degrees:22%

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